RecycleBIM Month 6 bi-annual meeting

2022, Oct 20

The ReycleBIM Consortium just held its first bi-annual meeting on 20th and 21st of October, 20022! The general meeting enabled all members to meet in person for the first time and discuss the progress of the project and the first developments of the project, improving the co-relation between Work Packages.

This meeting was also an opportunity to define the Quality Assessment Board and the Advisory Board and to add new partners to the Consortium. In conclusion was a point for defining new approaches and getting to know the work that had been done and was still to come.

The agenda of the Meeting was as follows:

  • News about the project
  • Face-to-face introduction of the team members
  • Definition of define the Quality Assessment Board and the Advisory Board
  • Assessment of the deliverables and milestones achieved and the ones that are near to be achieved
  • Presentation of the work developed by each WP
  • Discussion of obtained results
  • Articulation of work between WPs for the future months
  • Definition of the next online meeting of the Consortium, on the 24th of March, 2023