RecycleBIM Project Collaborates with RECONMATIC for Sustainable Construction and Demolition Waste Management

2024, Jun 19

We are thrilled to announce that the RecycleBIM Project has connected with the innovative RECONMATIC project, which focuses on automated solutions for sustainable and circular construction and demolition waste (CDW) management.

The coordination team at Universidade do Minho, led by project coordinator Miguel Azenha, had two productive meetings. The first meeting involved the BIMBox team, represented by Vitalij Tetervov, and the Czech Technical University in Prague, represented by Slavek Zbirovsky. Together we shared ideas and discussed prospects for collaboration.

During the second meeting, we expanded the discussion, including representatives from academia and industry collaborating in RECONMATIC. Together, we had a great session on the advancements in Building Information Modeling (BIM) for CDW management and emphasized the importance of interoperability in this process.

A significant potential synergy we discovered is the development of a common data dictionary for managing circularity-related data in digitalized workflows. It was an excellent opportunity to share ideas and explore potential collaboration! We believe that projects focusing on circularity should operate jointly rather than in competition, aiming towards a unified language in circular workflows. We invite other topics to join us in this effort!

Together, we are advancing the industry towards a sustainable future!